Community knowledge in indigenous education from the Mexican regulatory framework




Education, principle of educational law, human rights


This written work is the result of a documentary exploration and is combined with the experiences of students from different educational programs, analyzed from a qualitative perspective, with the objective of analyzing the concept of education that the state has been offering to citizens, this from the principles of educational law, where it must be recognized that it is a human right that every person must enjoy regardless of social or cultural status; Legal norms at the national level regarding education and authors relevant to the right to education in indigenous contexts were reviewed. The results allow us to visualize the inequalities in education and the multiple oppressions that indigenous peoples face in professional training and access to educational rights as a human right. In conclusion, one can understand the importance of making use of the educational right as an essential part that every person must exercise as a universal right that guarantees the academic training of an entire population, regardless of the social context.


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How to Cite

Pérez Vázquez, S. (2024). Community knowledge in indigenous education from the Mexican regulatory framework. REVISTA DYCS VICTORIA, 7(1), 17–27.
Received 2024-05-29
Accepted 2024-12-02
Published 2024-12-06

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