Dissuasive migration policy: Haitians in Acuña, Coahuila
Haitian migration; immigration policy; Acuña Coahuila, MexicooAbstract
The objective of this work is to show some migratory experiences of Haitians in their migration to Acuña, Coahuila, as well as to identify the main measures adopted by the Mexican immigration or security authorities towards Haitian migration at this border. The methodology was: a) application of interviews to six migrants; b) newspaper review on the subject and; c) use of statistical data on foreign migration from the National Institute of Migration (INM). The data suggest that the policy applied to the Haitian people who arrived in Acuña, Coahuila, was to contain, dissuade and expel this migration in which instances of the three levels of government participated: INM and National Guard, state and local police, and that the latter, in practice, have become a kind of immigration police, a function that is the responsibility of the INM. And the voice of the Haitian people did not have an echo, they saw with frustration and fear the containment measures adopted by the US and Mexican authorities. And these contributed to their uncertainty and fear by not having immigration permits to obtain their legal stay in the country, and thus being able to be deported.
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