El acceso a los mecanismos alternativos de solución de controversias en el Sistema Integral de Justicia Penal para Adolescentes en México


  • Roberto Montoya González Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)
  • José Guadalupe Steele Garza Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)




Alternative Mechanisms, Restorative Justice, Adolescents


There is empirical evidence on the incipient evolution of the restorative justice system for adolescents, it is fundamentally due to their lack of knowledge, specialization and the lack of sensitivity in its application of the law operators and their interveners in contact with the law, however, the system It has international recognition for the effectiveness of its results as it is a human right established in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and substantive and adjective legal norms.

The efficient implementation of mediation and restorative practices at ministerial and judicial headquarters and in the execution stage of sanction measures and including the alternative exit of conditional suspension of the process, is a new scenario, where self-composition and empowerment of the participants, highlighting in this research an archetype in the way of administering justice with a humanistic sense, which contributes to the effectiveness of the system that is reflected in the reparatory agreements, combined with reflection, harmonization and social peace.


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Mecanismos alternativos de solución de controversias para adolescentes



How to Cite

Montoya González, R., & Steele Garza, J. G. . (2024). El acceso a los mecanismos alternativos de solución de controversias en el Sistema Integral de Justicia Penal para Adolescentes en México . REVISTA DYCS VICTORIA, 6(2), 16–27. https://doi.org/10.29059/rdycsv.v6i2.198