Labor mobbing in Mexican law


  • Rocío Noyola-Vaca Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales Victoria (FDCSV), C.P. 87120, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México.
  • Armando Villanueva-Mendoza Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales Victoria (FDCSV), C.P. 87120, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México.



law, mobbing, moral harassment, psychological harassment


This research is developed the legal framework that regulates labor mobbing in Mexico and the definition of the concept, starting from a Mexican perspective; likewise, it tries to identify if in its existence, the cited laws contain the characteristics of this, in addition to knowing if the profession, age or gender of the victim has relevance. In Mexico, labor relations between individuals and workers in the service of the State are regulated in article 123, sections A and B, of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States; they derive from this, laws through which it is intended to provide protection to victims of mobbing. In the development of the topic, it seeks to demonstrate the probable existence of mobbing in the context of the work. From the, it derives the importance of legislators clarifying and establishing parameters of protection in the matter, against actions that may arise in the violation of human dignity and the use of the power of dominion of one person over another. In the research, the qualitative method of deductive and phenomenological, using the laws, testimonies, expert judgment, popular science articles and publications on Internet. In Mexico, labor relations between individuals and workers in the service of the State are regulated in article 123, sections A and B, of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States; they derive from this, laws through which it is intended to provide protection to victims of mobbing. In the development of the topic, it seeks to demonstrate the probable existence of mobbing in the context of the work. From the, it derives the importance of legislators clarifying and establishing parameters of protection in the matter, against actions that may arise in the violation of human dignity and the use of the power of dominion of one person over another. In the research, the qualitative method of deductive and phenomenological, using the laws, testimonies, expert judgment, popular science articles and publications on Internet.


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Mobbing laboral



How to Cite

Noyola Vaca, R., & Villanueva Mendoza, A. (2022). Labor mobbing in Mexican law. REVISTA DYCS VICTORIA, 5(1), 75–91.

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