Restorative justice as a means for desistance with crime
Criminal desistance, Restorative justice, FrustrationAbstract
This article is the result of an investigation, where the analysis of data derived from various theories related to antisocial behavior and its impact on restorative justice as a means of criminal desistance was used as a technique, contributing to deactivate these antisocial and criminal behaviors essentially caused by frustration, stress, anger, depression or anxiety and of course the apathy of a society.
The objective of this research is to publicize the dynamics of criminal desistance and how to stimulate it through restorative justice processes, thus identifying the elements that drive people to adopt criminal behavior, and analyze the factors that hinder desistance. crime and establish strategies to eradicate them.
For the development of this work, it was decided to use the methodology on the analysis of various documented theories, which have been scientifically proven and help to form a restorative vision on criminal desistance, obtaining very promising results in the use of justice programs. restorative justice with adolescents who are serving the internment sanction measure, among the results are adolescents who have abandoned criminal behavior and adopted positive life projects, however, there is still a long way to go and demonstrate that restorative justice has a positive impact on the brain of people.
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