government in the new paradigm of Public Management


  • Nancy Nelly González Sanmiguel Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Rubén Rivera Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León



Legitimacy, Citizen Participation, Digital Government, Inclusion


The achievement of effectiveness and legitimacy of the government acts is being analyzed, by setting as a reference the new paradigm within governance and the inclusion of citizen participation, which is an engine that helps to fulfill the purposes of the State in order to seek change and transparency while also making a way to open government, pointing out the actions aimed at carrying out the intervention of the active participation of citizens; that in this moment, is moving towards not only traditional participation but also the phenomenon of digital government.

The inclusion of citizens has brought a contribution within the new public administration scheme, getting as a result a more open way of communication, which is useful to express needs and achieve effective governance. The objective of this work is to manifest the key implementation of citizen participation within governance and examine the advance in communication with the state.


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How to Cite

González Sanmiguel , N. N. ., & Rivera Rodríguez, R. . (2022). government in the new paradigm of Public Management. REVISTA DYCS VICTORIA, 3(2), 23–36.