Perceptions of gender equity and its relationship with the family structure of students: Case of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas


  • Melani Georgina Rocha-Puga Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), Facultad de Comercio y Administración Victoria (FCAV), C.P. 87149, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México.
  • Luis Alberto Mendoza-Rivas Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), Facultad de Comercio y Administración Victoria (FCAV), C.P. 87149, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México.
  • José Angel Sevilla-Morales Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), Facultad de Comercio y Administración Victoria (FCAV), C.P. 87149, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México.



Gender, Gender equity, Perceptions, Attitudes, Higher education


The equality of gender equity is a matter of concern, and for this reason Higher Education Institutions play a fundamental role in the issue of gender equity since, among other fundamental aspects of education, they promote the most fundamental values. That is why this research work aims to discover the perceptions about gender equity and its relationship with the family structure of university students at the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. The methodology is with a quantitative approach, of an exploratory type with a correlational study, the study comprises two academic units and two faculties from the north, center and south of the state. The main expected results would be the correlation that exists between the gender of the students and its relationship with the perception of gender equity, as well as knowing the family structure and its relationship with gender attitudes, inequality in the social processes of university students. and the main lines of action aimed at gender equity according to the characteristics of the study institutions.


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Percepciones de equidad de género



How to Cite

Rocha Puga, M. G., Mendoza Rivas, L. A., & Sevilla Morales, J. Ángel. (2022). Perceptions of gender equity and its relationship with the family structure of students: Case of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. REVISTA DYCS VICTORIA, 4(1), 67–76.